Hypertension concept: Background and overview
Hypertension also known as high blood pressure is a major independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases including all age, race and gender groups.
Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of ≥140 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of ≥90 mm Hg and/or the current use of antihypertensive medication.

Number of hypertension patients in Thailand
from 2016 to 2019
According to the National Health Examination Survey conducted in 2015, 25% of adult Thais have hypertension or raised blood pressure. Additionally, almost half of adult Thais with hypertension were not even aware that they had high blood pressure. In 2019, there were around 1.56 million patients suffering from hypertensive disease in Thailand,. In that same year, there were 9,313 deaths per 100 thousand population caused by hypertension in Thailand . Hypertension is a silent killer as most people with hypertension do not experience any symptoms.
Fact & Figure Hypertension

Hypertension (raised blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg) is common among Thais and is on the rise. One out of 4 adult Thais have hypertension. |
Hypertension causes more than 50 000 deaths annually. |
Of an estimated 13.2 million with hypertension, barely one third have their blood pressure under control. Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and ischaemic heart disease (IHD), account for a quarter of all deaths. |
Mortality from stroke has doubled and mortality from IHD increased 50% in the past decade. |
Two third of stroke cases and half of IHD cases are attributed to hypertension. |
Challenges to Treat Hypertension in Thailand |
Low rate of diagnosis |
Lack of a simple treatment protocol and variable treatment practices among physicians result in suboptimal blood pressure control among treated patients. |
Health system barriers: access to diagnosis and treatment is limited, especially for the younger, working population. |
Limited collaboration with the private sector in quality and outside the preview of regular monitoring |
Lifestyle factors are recognized as major modifiable determinants of hypertension. Recent guidelines emphasize, in addition to medical treatment, the assessment of lifestyle, particularly as it relates to diet and exercise, and the management of obesity and dyslipidemia as key factors in the treatment of hypertension
Large body of evidence shows that exercise training causes BP reduction in both normotensive and hypertensive individuals. The BP lowering effect of exercise training is assumed to be multifactorial, but appears to be independent of weight loss. The mechanisms include neuro-hormonal, vascular, and structural adaptations. Decreases in catecholamine levels and total peripheral resistance, improved insulin sensitivity, and alterations in vasodilators and vasoconstrictors are some of the postulated explanations for the antihypertensive effects of exercise.
The HUR hypertension concept helps the health care professional to provide the best practice of exercise-as -medicine, based on the latest international treatment guidelines, to help individuals with elevated blood pressure levels to engage in regular weekly physical activity and to follow an exercise training regimen.
The HUR hypertension concept is designed to use strength training as a therapeutic modality in treatment of elevated blood pressure (BP) by using the HUR’s Natural Transmission method.
It is based on pneumatic technology, where resistance is adapted in accordance with the production of force, regardless of the speed of the movement. Intelligent technology system for automated reporting, zero starting load and 100g/1kg increments in resistance, range limiters and additional support with connected outcome measures to document the effectiveness, enables to start strength training safely when considering the individual treatment prescriptions e.g. appropriate medication.
The HUR hypertension concept helps the rehabilitation professionals to provide the best practice of exercise-as-medicine, based on the latest international treatment guidelines, to help individuals with elevated blood pressure levels engage in regular weekly physical activity and to follow an exercise training regimen.
Recommended HUR equipment for treatment of hypertension
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